Kira Kira Blue

Khamis, 3 November 2011

Kira Kira Blue

Brand: Kira Kira
Color: Blue (Very dark blue on my eyes. Almost black. Not what I expect them to be)
Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.5 mm (stated on the outer label) ; 16.0 mm (stated on the original label)
Comfort: 5/10 (They feel very tight on my eyes, as if their base curve were actually 8.3 mm or 8.4mm or something like that)
Vision clarity: 10/10
Enlargement effect: 8/10 (These however give me a decent enlargement effect)
 Buy these lenses again: A big NO!


*!!!  I bought these lenses from Lili's Lens House in two colors, blue and green. 
When I was checking the vial after I put them in my eyes, I found another label underneath. 
So I carefully peeled off the outer label to find a shocking discovery. 
The expired date on the outer label stated as Dec 2013, but on the underneath label stated as 31.05.2010!!!!!!! 
Oh my god! They are already expired!! 
Same goes with the green color lenses. 
I just hope these lenses won't injure my eyes.

 On the distance photos, you can barely see my eyes are blue, they are way too dark. People don't even notice I have lenses in my eyes.
My hair look short because I'm wearing short wig.

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