Kira Kira Blue

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Sugar Candy ~ Grey

Brand: Sugar Candy
Color: Grey
Base curve: 8.6 mm ( These don't feel that tight as those pink ones on my eyes)
Diameter: 14.5 mm 
Comfort: 8/10
Vision clarity: 10/10
Enlargement effect: 8/10
Buy these lenses again: Big YES!!! I really love the color and the design. (I purchased these from Lili's Lens House)

Princess Nudy - Green

Dizone Eye - Blue

Jumaat, 13 Januari 2012

Super Barbie Hybrid Blue

Brand: Super Barbie
Color: Hybrid Blue (The color appears very dark subtle blue on my eyes in most of the lighting).
Manufacturer: Not sure, but definitely some "made in Korea" lenses.
Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.5 mm.
Comfort: 9/10. Surprisingly enough, these lenses are way more comfortable on my eyes than those green ones. I actually soak them in Solo Care Aqua MultiPurpose Solution for approximately 10 minutes prior to insertion on my eyes for the first time. I have been wearing them 3 times already. So far they feel really comfortable on my eyes.
Vision clarity:  10/10. Crisply sharp.
Enlargement effect: 0/10. The lenses just perfectly cover my iris.
Buy these lenses again: Yes.The design/pattern is very beautiful. I am really digging the limbal ring design.
*And yeah, my real hair is super short now!*